Land Use
For quarter 4, 2019 we will be supporting: Prescott Trail Riders

Prescott Trail Riders (PTR) was formed in 2014 by off-road enthusiasts seeking to preserve and expand recreational trail riding in Prescott, Arizona. They are a non-profit group who works closely with the Prescott National Forest. They advocate for the appropriate use of designated trails, maintain existing trails and build new ones. Although the club was started by dirt bike riders, they embrace the teamwork and support of hikers, mountain bikers, equestrians, quad and UTV users.
PTR has been featured in the AMA's American Motorcyclist Magazine and they support the continuance of competitive racing by hosting an AMA/AMRA sanctioned event each year. Funds generated from this event and others are used to support their National Forest advocacy and the entire Prescott OHV community. They have had great success in reopening and gaining approval for new trails in and around the Prescott National Forest.
Please consider joining PTR or making a donation today by clicking here!
For more information please email:
Thank you for your efforts PTR! Your DDC donation check is on the way!
For quarter 3, 2019 we will be supporting: The Blue Ribbon Coalition

The BlueRibbon Coalition (BRC) was born in 1987 shortly after Clark Collins, (BRC Founder and its first Executive Director) was told by Idaho Governor John Evans that recreationists were "not politically significant" and implied that Wilderness was more important than motorized access to public lands.
Clark gathered together other recreationists to educate them as to how our public lands were not being preserved FOR the public, but rather FROM the public! His efforts would ultimately become the BlueRibbon Coalition as we know it today. BRC is one of just a few national advocacy groups fighting to keep our pubic lands open for all to enjoy.
BRC champions responsible use of public lands and waters for the benefit of all recreationists by educating and empowering its members to:
- Secure, protect, and expand shared outdoor recreation access and use
- Work collaboratively with natural resource managers and other recreationists
- Educate the general public, media, elected officials, and other decision makers on recreation and access issues
- Promote equitable and responsible natural resource management
- Affect the political and administrative process
- Support recreation on, and promote respect for, private property
- Encourage appropriate enforcement of the law
BRC Office
P.O. Box 5449
Pocatello, ID 83202-0003
Phone: (208) 237-1008
Thank you for you efforts BRC! Your DDC donation check is on the way!
For quarter 2, 2019 we will be supporting: Truckee Dirt Riders
The Truckee Dirt Riders is an all-volunteer community club based in Truckee California. They are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Public Charity who advocates for multi-use single-track motorcycle trails in the Truckee-Tahoe area.
The Truckee Dirt Riders were formed in 2018 comprised of mountain bike and dirt-bike riders seeking a better recreation experience in & around the greater Truckee area. They seek partnerships with like-minded individuals, groups and business that share their philosophy that multi-use dirt trails should be open and accessible to everyone.
They are having success by coordinating with local land management agencies to help maintain existing trail systems and provide input on sustainable locations that can support new trail building. The club provides volunteer labor for on-going maintenance of existing trails and construction of new trails. The club also works to educate the public on responsible trail use, rider etiquette, and rider safety. The organization strives to ensure that all its actions speak positively about the sport of off-road motorcycle riding.
In the fall of 2018, they worked with the Truckee Ranger District to perform long overdue maintenance work and trail signage on the Prosser Hill Motorcycle Loop and they have bigger plans for 2019!
Please consider joining The Truckee Dirt Riders by clicking here or make a generous tax deductible donation by clicking here and help keep Truckee trails open!!
Address:Truckee Dirt Riders
PO Box 10701
Thank you for you efforts Truckee Dirt Riders! Your DDC donation check is on the way!
For quarter 1, 2019 we will be supporting: The Motorcycle Racing Association of Northern Nevada (MRANN)
MRANN is a Reno based, non-profit organization of volunteers who share a common interest in promoting safe desert racing in Northern Nevada.
MRANN consists of 9 clubs and over 500 members. Each club hosts an off-road race during the year, and these races are organized up by club members and volunteers. MRANN works very hard to ensure a healthy future for the sport by encouraging youth racing of all skill levels as well as big-bike racing for riders of all skill. There are many challenges in holding quality races, but the most complex is working through the permitting process. The Bureau Of Land Management (BLM), under pressure from well funded environmental groups, has unfortunately become more and more restrictive. MRANN has a dedicated land-use chairman who's job is to help each club in the permitting process.
For the first quarter of 2019, we will be supporting the MRANN land-use fund. Here at DDC Racing we believe the best family times are spent camping at the races. The friendship and comradery built with others though the sport is long lasting and meaningful.
For more information please visit the MRANN website by clicking here
Address: Motorcycle Racing Association of Northern Nevada
P.O. Box 7300
Reno, NV 89510-7300
MRANN Contact Info: Please click here
To make a donation or for additional information, please contact Chris Maas, Land-Use Committee Chairman:
"Better The Sport, Participate"
Thank you for you efforts MRANN! Your DDC donation check is on the way!

In 1988 AMA District 36 located in Northern California created the District 36 Legislative Action Office (LAO). This is a full-time program that’s only purpose is to monitor, protect and work against closures, unreasonable laws and State/Federal regulations that harm legal OHV recreation. This office was created to address the issue of riding area after riding area being closed or greatly reduced in size. This negatively impacting off-road events and trail riding opportunities on both public and private lands.
When riding areas close or are unfairly restricted it affects riding clubs, promoters, local economics, and everyone who loves the sport. By now, you should be aware of the constant barrage of anti-OHV groups that want to take away your access to public (and even private lands) for legal motorized recreation. If you are aware, you already understand that we must stand together. If you are not, then you may be in for a rude awakening when you go to your favorite riding area only to find a locked gate.
To keep up the good fight, the D36 LAO office needs revenue from memberships and donations. Just as important, they need volunteers to be organized and keep an eye on their favorite riding areas. They ask for any land closure information you have and to report it back to the LAO office. By doing so, we can hold public officials feet to the fire to protect our Right to Ride as a team. These efforts create clout and credibility for our sport. The more members who join, the louder the voice when dealing with elected and appointed decision makers.
So how can you help? First, you can join District 36. Its only thirty five dollars per year which is the simplest way to get involved (and gives good trail karma). Second, please get involved at any level you choose. If you have suggestions to make your favorite ridding better, or if your riding area is threatened now; please contact the LAO office and volunteer to help. If you are able to attend local meetings to give a report back to the LAO office, that would be a tremendous help!
In the end you may be responsible in part for saving or improving your favorite riding area for generations of riders to come. It’s a good feeling to go riding while carrying the pride of protecting a place you think is special. Thanks for caring and let’s work together to sustain a sport we all think so much of.
Please consider joining D36 by clicking herePlease leave your email address to sign up for important land use alerts. To do this, click on Right to Ride.
Address:PO Box 70
Norden, CA 95725
Thank you for you efforts D-36! Your DDC donation check is on the way!
For quarter 3, 2018 we will be supporting: New Mexico Off-Highway Vehicle Alliance (NMOHVA)
NMOHVA is a New Mexico nonprofit alliance of motorized off-highway vehicle enthusiasts and organizations. Their mission is promoting, protecting, and preserving responsible OHV recreation through education, safety training, and responsible land use ethics. They cooperate with public and private interests to protect and preserve public land access and work to ensure a positive future for OHV recreation in New Mexico.
Motorized recreation on the public lands of New Mexico is under attack right now, as it is all around you. Aligned under the guise of 'environmentalism', selfish elitists have determined that you have no right to recreate in your chosen way and are determined to LOCK YOU OUT from enjoying your motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile, or 4WD on public land. Responsible motorized recreation has a legitimate place on public land. NMOHVA works with local user groups and public land mangers to promote responsible use and protect your access.
NMOHVA is also committed to creating additional motorized recreation opportunities in the state of New Mexico. NMOHVA supports local groups working with state and federal land managers and agencies to identify, develop, maintain, and promote appropriate trails and areas for all forms of motorized recreation.
Please join NMOHVA by clicking here
Address:13170-B Central Ave, SE
PMB #322
Albuquerque, NM 87123
Email NMOHVA: click here
NMOHVA is working hard across New Mexico to keep our trails open. Please consider making a donation today!
Thank you for your hard work NMOHVA! Your DDC donation check is on the way!
For quarter 2, 2018 we will be supporting: Treasure Valley Trail Machine Association (TVTMA)
TVTMA seeks to promote the sport of off-highway vehicle riding while protecting our right to ride by providing a fun, family oriented environment. They sponsor a variety of rides and fun events for men, women and children of all ages and skill levels. They share knowledge of the trail systems and riding opportunities with other riders which encourages membership in the club, and they work with land managers, political leaders and the public by representing the interests of trail riders. They teach trail ethics, safety, and conservation, and perform maintenance on trails, campsites, and parking areas.
Please join TVTMA by clicking here
Address: P.O. Box 140162,Boise, ID 83714
TVTMA is a member of the Idaho Trail Machine Association, which promotes and preserves the sport of trail riding throughout Idaho.
What TVTMA is about:
- Safety
- Conservation
- Courtesy
- Education
- FUN!!
What they do:
- Trail maintenance
- Support of land managers.
- Club hosted trail rides in the mountains and on the desert.
- Family activities promoted by trail rides and social events.
- Trail rides for all levels - beginners, intermediate, and expert.
For quarter 1, 2018 we will be supporting: Central Idaho Trail Riders Alliance (CITRA)
CITRA is dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the trail system in Central Idaho by taking collective action. They are based out of McCall, and are working hard preserve our right to ride in the Payette National Forest and the surrounding areas. CITRA members are actively involved in trail clearing and the rebuilding of trails. CITRA consists of a president, 6 board members and currently has over 80 members! Idaho has some of the best technical single-track riding in the world. Please join or make a donation to CITRA to help protect it!
Please join CITRA by clicking here
Address: P.O. Box 586,
McCall, Idaho 83638
Phone: (208) 630-3094
Thank you for all that you do CITRA! Your DDC Racing donation check is on the way!
For quarter 4, 2017 we will be supporting: California Off-Road Vehicle Association (C.O.R.V.A)
CORVA's mission to "Keep Public Land Open FOR the People, Not FROM the People". CORVA representatives and volunteers attend more public meetings, present more written comments, and collaborate with more agencies than any other off-road organization. Since 1969, they have been accepting the challenge to fight and win OHV Liberty. CORVA is dedicated to fighting for your freedoms, and for your children and grandchildren's OHV liberty! "Your Voice EVERYWHERE, fighting for and winning access for OHV".
Donate now and help CORVA fight for YOUR freedoms! Freedom to Ride, Freedom to Drive, Freedom to Camp, Freedom to Explore.
Address: CORVA1500 West El Camino Ave. #352
Sacramento, CA 95833-1945
Phone: 916-710-1950
Thank you for all that you do CORVA! Your DDC Racing donation check is on the way!
The Colorado Backcountry Trail Riders Alliance is based in Carbondale, Colorado. It is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by volunteers whose scope of interest lies in keeping trails open and sustainable within the White River National Forest and surrounding BLM lands for motorized use.
We advocate motorized rights, personal responsibility and stewardship and as well as developing partnerships with other user groups.
The club has been in existence since the 2002 and currently has a membership of approximately 65 members. It began in Crested Butte and the Gunnison Basin and in 2006 expanded it’s scope of interest to include the White River National Forest. The club has experienced several scoping and comment periods and provided input into the current Travel Management Plans in both the Gunnison and White River National Forests. Now that both plans have been implemented the needs of both communities in those areas was far too great for the CBTRA to handle effectively. In early 2011 the Gunnison Valley OHV Alliance of Trail Riders - GOATS – formed to take on the Gunnison Basin. CBTRA now concentrates it’s time working directly with the Forest Service and BLM in the White River National Forest and surrounding public lands.
Now the WRNF plan has been implemented, the real work begins as we will be working directly with the FS and BLM trail crews as well as developing partnerships with the motorized community and other user groups in maintaining trails on public lands.
We need your help. We organize about 4 trail work days per season. See the latest news for details and join us!
CBTRA7025 Hwy 82 Building 1 Unit B
For quarter 2, 2017 we will be supporting: Pine Nut Mountain Trails Association.
The Pine Nut Mountains Trails Association (PNMTA) is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1998 in response to the threat of losing access to our public lands; in and around the Carson Valley. (Nevada)
The PNMTA has been working with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other government agencies ever since to protect our rights to enjoy our beautiful public lands. The PNMTA represents all types of recreational users. Their members include: dirt bike enthusiasts, 4-wheelers, bicyclists, Equestrians, Hunters, and any person that is interested in preserving public lands for the public.
Taking care of the land is a key part of their strategy. No other group has done as much to improve the environment in the Pine Nut Mountains and surrounding area. The PNMTA has organized annual cleanups and trail projects resulting in the removal of thousands of cubic yards of trash and dozens of abandoned vehicles. The PNMTA has also completed trail improvement projects, including signing trails and creating official staging areas.
The PNMTA organizes many different activities to keep everyone connected. They have picnics, camping trips, and day trips scheduled throughout the year. Check out their Face Book Page for the latest information on upcoming events.
Please join The PNMTA by clicking here
You can request more information about PNMTA by email:
or by US Mail: P.N.M.T.A., P.O. Box 3012 , Gardnerville, NV 89410
We are pleased to announce that we will be supporting: The Stewards Of The Sequoia for quarter 1, 2017.

Stewards of the Sequoia (SOS) have been fighting hard and winning to stop trail closures. Since 2004 they continue to be the largest on the ground volunteer organization in the Sequoia National Forest. Stewards work with agencies proactively to ensure trails remain open and even build new trails. More recently Stewards of the Sequoia initiated litigation to Stop the PCT Land Grab from eliminating motorized single track trails. SOS has put together a great video on the subject which you can view by clicking here.
Stewards of the Sequoia is funded by donations from riders who want to do something meaningful to stop trail closures. You can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here.
For more information and to see a short video about Stewards of the Sequoia, please click here.
For our second land use advocacy group to support we have selected:

The TPA will act as an advocate of the sport and take the necessary action to insure that the USFS and BLM allocate to trail riding a fair and equitable percentage of access to public lands.